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Itinerary and Fee 行程及收费

If you're looking to enhance your next trip with an exciting and engaging tour, consider working with MAKF travel . We have professional Tourist Guides with years of experience in Tasmania guiding peoples who are interested in learning new things about the place in fun and unconventional ways. Check out my active tours, look at pictures of our past ones, and feel free to get in touch with any questions

We hire a car with driver only

Great Tours. Better Memories

Tasmania Airport Pickup Hobart Airport Pickup Services

As a professional Tourist Guides, we excel at helping you plan your perfect vacation. Not just any vacation, but truly exceptional trips filled with inspiring and enriching experiences. We believe in seeing TASMANIA in the most unique way possible, and we want to share our knowledge and passion for travel and tourism with all of those whom we guide. attached sites to find out more sites.

Tasmania PPV (Public Passenger Vehicle) license

Tasmania Passenger Transport Service Operator

Tasmania National Park Entry Passes

Work with child / Vulnerable People permit

塔斯马尼亚包车、霍巴特 包车 私人自定景点

塔斯曼尼亞 荷伯特 接機 送機 保姆車 客貨車租賃 服务

丰田coaster25座,海狮新14座,12座 奔驰商务8座

现代8座 荷頓SUV四驅七座

持有 澳大利亚塔州公车营运证


服务 老弱病残 、童叟无欺证


提供 合法、豪华、安全、舒适、准时的 旅游


Provide luxury chauffeur limousine. Driver guides have at least 5 years or more driving experience but reasonable rate. Fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin or can play roles to facilitate your business / sightseeing trip. Seafood factory, farm and winery can be visited while travelling


Whatsapp +61 477463762 Sau Cheung


国语粤语 0472980680



墨尔本包车 地接 接送机




